Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Opening Your Gifts

            Summer is quickly drawing to a close and I find myself disappointed for I
have missed most of it. I became ill in July and spent time in the hospital in August. I was unable to walk outdoors for much of that time.
            My first response was to grieve. After all, through all my walking outdoors since spring, nature has become one of my dearest companions and suddenly being housebound felt like the loss of a friend.
            But being housebound gives one much time for reflection and I found myself traveling back in time, to my first walks east of Val Marie along the Frenchman River, then to my hikes in the Grasslands National Park. I suddenly realized what I had and it wasn’t loss! It was all there, every step I had taken. I began a gentle excavation of memories, images, and transforming moments. I found many things I had deeply treasured at the time and in treasuring them I was actually giving gifts to myself, gifts to open in the future whenever I needed them. I needed those gifts this summer and they were there.
            Every moment that I walked and was fully present, every moment that I cherished and wrote upon the tablet of my heart, was like writing a love letter to myself in the future. It was all there!
            If you find yourself suddenly severed from nature for whatever reason, remember this: it’s all there! Inside of you. Every single step you’ve taken, whether in nature or in life, is a gift waiting to be unwrapped. As long as we take the time to cherish present moments and savor them we are, in essence, writing them upon our hearts and this ensures their preservation.
            I researched the history of ancient papers recently and came across papyrus. Papyrus was very important to the ancient Egyptians. It helped to change their society in many ways, like fostering communication. I believe our hearts must be treated with the same importance. Just like the Egyptians writing upon papyrus had transformed their lives; writing upon the tablets of our hearts can transform ours!
            I also realized that we must not value one season more than another. I think that is a dangerous place to fall into for it blinds us again and isn’t that the work we have been doing? Removing the blinds from our lives? Every season has gifts for us. It may take a delicate touch to unearth them but they are there. Dig deep, my friend!
            In my first column, published in the April 26th issue, I invited you to walk with me. Are you still walking? Perhaps you have been pulled away from it like I was. Maybe you have yet to start. Or maybe you have been walking but your heart hasn’t followed yet. That’s okay. Just believe. Your heart WILL pick up the rhythm of your feet and will soon be running excitedly ahead of you. And if you need to begin walking again, like I do, remember, your heart knows the way. Just BELIEVE!
Sunset at the Val Marie Dam

Originally published in the Sept.20th, 2010 issue

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